Voice of the People, Probably
Issue 2
December 2022
In association with our international partner magazines:
Le Journal des Trampolines (France)
Yee-Haw! Lip-Smackin’ Barbecue Lovers Quarterly (France)

Thumb War Truce Called As Casualties Hit Two Digits

Both Sides Give ‘Thumbs Down’ A Figurative Gesture of Approval

Well, we’re back.

Ten years after our highly successful debut issue, there simply couldn't be a better time to drop our number two.

A lot has happened since last time. We have a new president, a new Pope, a new executive assistant to the Pope. And that’s just here at The Butler! It’s an unconventional structure, but it works.

We’ve also had two leap years that each took me my surprise and each saw me turn my calendar to March a day prematurely. I still haven’t lived that down in our household. Kids can really be cruel sometimes.

But I won’t let a positive message turn into a rant about leap years like I did with my wedding vows. Instead, I’ll just invite you to read on and enjoy.

The Butler National Security Desk


Gigantic vocal cord implant trials a success, yell scientists

Zoo evacuated after escape of 17 crazed murderers from neighbouring prison

Man on ground refusing to wave back sours balloon ride


Meet the teen stock genius making millions on Wall Street and being just insufferable

30 years on — one of the nation’s deadliest rail disasters remembered through limericks

The top 12 wooden rocking horses of 2022

KFC’s secret recipe revealed! Now you can make your very own batch of the Colonel’s finger-lickin’ fries


Top YouTube Picks

Cross-Dressing Nanny Expert Breaks Down Cross-Dressing Nanny Scenes From Movies

White guy STUNS locals in Chinatown ordering food with PERFECT Tom Selleck impression

HAROLD!! First time reading the Bayeux Tapestry start to finish INSANE REACTION

I recited the alphabet every day for ten years - This is what happened

Blonde American girl STUNS Beijing diners with CATTLEPROD


TV Tropes: Hospital Edition

Not So Fast, Doctor:

Doctor pulls shut the privacy curtain too fast and hurts their hand in the process. Usually followed by “Ouch!” or “Ooh that smarts!”

Waiting Room Lasagne:

Seems to be the food of choice for concerned loved ones. And a nurse will come over and say “You can see him now. Are you finished with those plates?”


Wordy Winners

Collins Dictionary have announced ‘permacrisis’ as their Word of the Year for 2022.

And apparently they gave a Lifetime Achievement Award to ‘catamaran’.


Silence of the Shams

Sir Anthony Hopkins has shocked the entertainment world after revealing he is not an actor.

Earlier he tweeted, “For too long I have been hiding a shameful secret. I am not an actor and never have been. I am so sorry to everyone.”

He will be stripped of his accolades, including two Academy Awards and an Olivier Award, at a special ceremony next month.

I told my friend she shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition.

She said I must be fun at parties.

Both good advice. 

As I glanced at the large portrait in the grand dining hall, I felt a sudden uneasiness as if I knew we were being watched. Then there they were. Peepholes in the eyes of the painting, with unmistakably real, human eyes shimmering behind them. And a third hole just below with an unmistakably real, human tongue poking through and wagging. 

Stanley Milgram’s famous experiments in the 1960s demonstrated the power of a figure wearing a lab coat in commanding authority over everyday people. But where Milgram stopped short, I decided to take further.

The results:

1 lab coat: participants continued to administer electric shocks of increasing voltage as instructed

2-3 lab coats: participants seemed more eager to comply and administered the shocks with less hesitation

4-6 lab coats: participants agreed to clean my house, iron my shirts, fetch Wine Gums

7-12 lab coats: diminishing returns, overheating, back pain

13 lab coats: didn’t try, probably looks silly 

What I don’t know about cooking could fill a broccoli peeler. 

If you ever come close to one of those uncontacted tribes in Papua New Guinea or somewhere and they fire a flurry of arrows at you, honestly, you shouldn’t take it too personally. 

The ongoing feud with my neighbour Gary

I think it started when I told Gary his daffodils were coming up a little later than last year. He seemed annoyed by this and asked why I felt I needed to call him at work. So I went to the army base to tell him in person and he said that’s not what he meant.

The next day I came home to find my own fully-bloomed daffodils had been crushed completely flat. Gary appeared at his front door and said he saw a man sitting on them, but he ran away just before I got there. I asked him about the mud stains on the back of his jeans, but he said he was tired and had to go to bed immediately.

Perhaps I should have left it there, but I decided instead to take the wipers off his car and put them back on against the inside of his windscreen.

Gary responded by leaving his Halloween decorations up throughout November even though he knows how spooky I find them.

I replaced the bird seed on his bird table with extra strong laxatives. The wonderful birds that usually pay a visit suddenly stopped coming since birds famously don’t like laxatives and have no interest in trying to eat them.

I asked him to return the egg white separator that I lent him, but he claimed he had already returned it. Well since that’s how he wanted to play it, when he asked me to return his father’s ashes that he lent me, I gave him a different urn filled with ball bearings. He didn’t notice until months later when he scattered them over an unfortunately smooth surface and pieces of his ‘dad’ were rolling around everywhere.

He bought himself a drum kit and would thump and smash at it as loudly as possible until the late hours every night. Then he got himself some bagpipes. Then a cathedral-grade pipe organ. He was even playing them at the same time! To be fair to him, once he got the hang of it he got them sounding pretty good together, but those first couple of weeks were hell.

I sent a photo of his patio to Sensible Patio Digest magazine where it was featured in their ‘Slabs of Shame’ section.

He lobbied the council repeatedly to have my Swingball set removed from my back garden. Each time he gave some ridiculous reason — it would attract lightning, it was depriving his garden of sunlight, it would attract ghosts. Eventually the council sent three large men to yank it out of the ground and hurl it into the back of a van, all in front of my weeping son and his friend Edmund.

Thanks to one of my contacts at the Ordnance Survey, all official maps now show Gary’s house with stink lines.

And with the help of a couple of old pals who are higher-ups in the Land Registry department responsible for property boundaries, I managed to get about 60 eggs lobbed against the front of his house.

He invited everyone in the neighbourhood to a barbecue except me. They tried to hide it from me by conducting the entire event in the narrow area up against his side of the adjoining fence between our back gardens, which is the only section that isn’t visible from my upstairs window. There must have been over 100 guests squeezed in there, all crouched down and whispering and passing notes. I only found out because one guest with a particularly long nose turned their head eastward to look at a passing helicopter.

I started a rumour that the local farm suffered a poor harvest that year because Gary had put a curse on it.

He bribed my barber to give me a bad haircut for two years. And I’m pretty sure he bribed the local radio station to play songs I don’t like some of the time.

While he was out I thrust my fist through his letterbox and gave the inside of his porch the middle finger for a good ten minutes.

He snuck into my bedroom while I was sleeping. He lifted open my nose like the lid of a barbecue grill and filled the inside to the brim with pepper. This of course brought on a violent sneezing fit. He then placed a strawberry cream pie in front of my face, and the force of the final, most powerful sneeze splattered the pie’s gooey contents all over my snoozing wife, making her look like some cartoonish Mrs Claus-type figure.

It wasn’t always like this. We used to get on really well. We spent many summer afternoons chatting over the fence about our mutual love of Mini Cheddars. He once fixed my sewing machine when I broke it while trying to invent the ‘slumberbund’ — a cummerbund you can wear to bed. And occasionally he would phone me late at night in tears and I would go next door and help him finish his jigsaw puzzle.

But I wonder whether we can ever return to those days. By way of an olive branch I offered him a delicious pecan pie I had baked (he had returned the egg white separator). But as he started choking I remembered that time he told me he was extremely allergic to pecans the day before. I apologised, and, using his car, drove him to the hospital where the doctor told Gary he may never walk again (I hit the car park wall at 40 mph). I apologised, and called myself a cab. I’ll try reaching out again when he’s better, I thought.

When I got home there was a man sitting on my daffodils.


‘Get down from there!’ revealed most popular thing to yell to someone in a treehouse

Face of ‘Jesus’ found in casserole confirmed to be of different, unknown bearded man

Man who went treasure hunting 10 days ago found safe and well—both safe and well empty

Beware of people out there selling back scratchers this Christmas. They may try to persuade you to spring for a nifty ‘two pack’ where it’s paired with a ‘front scratcher’. But as far as I can tell they’re both the same thing, just the handle's a different colour.

Let’s hear it for the independent bonsai tree stores standing up to Big Bonsai, also known as Regular Tree.  


Multiple murderer Jacob Taylor Messing was handed 18 life sentences. The judge said he would spend the rest of his life in prison.

As the years passed, Messing grew old in a maximum security facility. Eventually he became the oldest person in there. Then the oldest person that ever lived.

Each year people thought it would be his last and each year he would beat the odds and continue living.

Remarkably, he even looked to reach the end of his original sentence, and was set to be released aged 295.

There were protests of course. Some said he was still a danger to society. Though they probably wouldn’t have said that if they had taken just one look at him. At this point he was little more than a frail sack of bones.

Some said he should never be forgiven. Others said you shouldn’t underestimate how much a person can change in 200 years.

Despite the protests, Messing was released and taken to a round-the-clock care home. But not long after, he killed again and wound up back in prison. This time it really would be life without possibility of release, plus 5 years for the parole violation.

A spokesperson for the parole board responsible for his earlier release said, “We didn’t think he would do that.”



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